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- Mia Carson
Page 11
He withdrew his lips from hers, nuzzled her neck one more time, and pushed himself off the bed. “Be ready. We are going to have quite the night. I can feel it.”
“Hmm, funny, so can I.” Her fingers brushed gently against his swollen cock through his trousers. He caught it and kissed her palm, nipping at the base of her thumb as she bit her lip and her head fell back. She wore a tank with no bra again, and he stared in awe as her nipples hardened to points of desire beneath the thin fabric.
Over the past week, Anna and he had discovered a new passion neither one realized until now. They were both quite fond of quickies. The long, luxurious, drawn out evenings of sex were great, too, but there was something about how a quickie made their blood pump and left that rosy, satisfied look on Anna’s face that made Harold want them all the time.
He grabbed her hips and dragged her to the edge of the bed. He grabbed the top of her knit shorts and panties, and yanked them from her body as she gasped in pleased shock. She fumbled with his pants, undoing the belt hastily and freeing him. When he filled her hand, she squeezed and he quivered with the want overwhelming his senses. He shoved her hand aside and spread her legs wide.
He imagined all the ways he would take her now that she was his. All the ways she teased him as much as he teased her, bringing him right to the edge and drawing back at the last second. He thought of that morning when he came upon her doing the dishes and couldn’t resist that perfect ass barely covered in her panties as she walked around in his t-shirt. He had taken her right there against the kitchen sink.
As his gaze flickered to hers, he saw the same memories and desires filling her eyes as he rubbed his cock against her swollen lips, wet and begging for fulfillment. He planned to ease himself in and take his time, but she shifted her hips at the last second and he filled her sheath in one movement. Her hands curled in the sheets as a sigh flowed from her mouth, her back arching off the bed.
So much for going slow. Harold’s control vanished and his primal desire to possess this woman overrode his intentions. He thrust hard, driving within her body as his thumb rubbed her clit. Her moans urged him on faster, and when she clutched at him, desperate to hold him deep inside her body, he moved harder, each thrust intense as he pushed her to the edge of ecstasy and fell over that ledge with her.
Anna’s cry came a few seconds before he felt his release wash over him and he spilled into her, his knees shaking and the rest of him stiffening before suddenly nothing more than a limp noodle. He pulled out and collapsed on the bed beside her.
“You…you sure you want to go to your mom’s?” she asked breathless.
“Yes, I should so she doesn’t do anything else to embarrass me, or herself, for that matter.” He kissed Anna’s nose and her cheeks, leaving her delicious lips for last. “I’ll be back soon.”
She pouted, but he climbed off the bed and cleaned himself off in the bathroom. She hopped into the shower behind him, and his gaze admired her naked beauty and those bouncing breasts. It didn’t help when she ran her hands over herself, from those mounds of flesh to her ass, and with a wicked giggle, stepped into the shower.
“You’re going to get it later,” he promised.
“I’ll be looking forward to it. Now go so you can hurry and get back.” She blew him a kiss and closed the glass door.
He fixed his hair and sprayed on cologne, thinking of any other excuse to stay and watch Anna shower, but the sooner he left, the sooner he could get back to his night with Anna. His mother wouldn’t ruin their Sunday night off.
Harold pulled his green Camaro into his mother’s driveway twenty minutes later when his cell rang. “Walter? I hope you’re not working on a Sunday night. Your wife will kill me.”
“Not working, but I got a phone call from my buddy in the UFC. We found our guy.”
“You’re sure?” he asked excitedly.
“I believe so. His name is Josh Green. My friend said for a while he was bringing some hooligan around who claimed he wanted to be a fighter, but the guy was an idiot. He couldn’t remember the name, but I sent him a picture of Johnny and he confirmed it.”
“Josh Green.” Harold rubbed his cheek where this man had punched him in the face. “Thanks, Walter. This is going to be a big help.”
“Good. Now I’m going to get back to my glorious night of wrangling the triplets. See you in the morning, sir,” he said and hung up.
Harold tapped his cell on the palm of his hand. Kids. He was so wrapped up in being back with Anna he hadn’t even thought of where this new path could lead. She’d spoken of being a mom to him a few times, wondering what it would be like. He was happy she wanted kids as much as he did. Now that future son or daughter, or both, was in reach, and he couldn’t wait to get started on it.
He almost ran to the front door of the house and knocked as he walked inside. “Mother?”
“Ah, there you are,” Prentice called out and appeared in the entrance to the dining room. “We were beginning to think you forgot.”
“No, I would never forget Sunday night dinner,” he assured her, kissing her cheek. “But I’m afraid I can’t stay tonight. I have other plans with the woman you found it necessary to threaten to stay out of my life.”
Prentice laughed, a high-pitched sound that said she thought he was kidding. “That’s absurd. Why on earth would I go to The Crawler? It’s too far beneath me to waste my time, and that woman, well, she won’t last long with you.”
“Actually, she will,” he informed her. “I came by to tell you to stay out of my life as far as who I’m with. I’m not a child and will be with who I want. Anna is who I want. Threaten her again, and you won’t be seeing your son for a very, very long time.” He walked past her into the dining room. He wanted to ask Jenny what she was up to this evening, but when he stepped into the dining room and saw Bailey instead of his sister, he froze. “What are you doing here?”
“Your mother invited me over for dinner,” Bailey said, a predatory grin stretching across lips he’d once found attractive. “Is there a problem?”
“Of course not. My mother can invite whomever she wishes, and I, in turn, can choose not to stay.” He turned on his heel and aimed for the front door.
“Harold, wait,” his mother ordered. “Stop right this instant. You’re being ridiculous.”
“I am not. You are, though, thinking you can threaten the woman I love to stay away from me simply because you do not approve of her,” he stormed, whipping around to stare her down. “I let her walk away from me once because of you—both of you. I’m not going to lose her again.”
“You can’t honestly expect things to work out. She’s not right for you,” Prentice scolded him and reached over to grab Bailey’s arm. “This woman right here, she is who you should be with. Think of your legacy, of the children you could have.”
Harold’s gut roiled and he stepped back towards the door. “Is that what you’re doing here? Are you two mapping out my future behind my back?” he asked in a whisper of disbelief. Prentice’s eyes hardened, and Bailey had the decency to look uncomfortable, shifting on her feet. “This is a new low, even for you, Mother. I’m going now.”
“You can’t walk away from your mother forever!”
Harold’s hand was on the door when he rolled his eyes. “No, and I don’t want to, but here’s the deal. Anna is with me. She’s going to be with me, so if you want me here for another Sunday night family dinner,” he said with a pointed glare to Bailey, “Anna will be coming with me. No more threatening her to stay away from me, and no more insulting who she is. If you do, that’ll be the end of it.”
Prentice laughed, but when Harold didn’t smile, she stopped and placed a hand to her chest as if he’d struck her. “You…you would do that? For her?”
“You have no idea what I would do for that woman. Is Jenny here?”
“Upstairs,” she answered quietly.
Harold moved to the stairs and yelled up. “Jenny! Want to go dancing with Anna and me?
“You’re leaving me alone tonight?” Prentice asked, offended. “Is it not bad enough I’m losing my son, but you’re going to take away my daughter, too?”
“It’s one night, Mother. Besides, you have Bailey to keep you company.”
Jenny appeared at the top of the stairs, heels in one hand and coat in the other, wearing a vibrant blue dress that spun out around her knees. “Dancing? Hell yes!”
“Jenny!” Prentice scowled at her daughter’s cursing and her running down the steps.
“Bye, Mother. I’ll be home later!”
Harold held open the door for Jenny, and she slipped into her heels and coat and raced out the door into the chilly evening air. “I’ll see you next Sunday, Mother,” he said and waved. When he closed the door, both women glared openly at him, but he no longer cared what they thought. Anna made him see this was his life and he would live it however he saw fit. The stuffy, sophisticated life his parents had was nothing like what he wanted to come home to every evening.
He wanted to see his wife with violet hair running a bar and raising their crazy kids who played out in the mud and knew what laughing was all about. He wanted a future he could look forward to, and being stuck in a corner office looking down on the rest of the world was not a part of that. The gears turned in his head as he drove back to his house and honked twice for Anna. When the front door opened and he saw her in a tight, black dress with four-inch heels and her leather jacket, his heart thundered against his ribs. Her violet hair hung loose around her shoulders and blew around her face with the cold air as she raced to the Camaro.
“Jenny! Coming with us?” she asked as Jenny slipped into the back seat.
“A night of dancing versus a night of listening to Mother complain about shit I don’t care about? Not even a debate,” Jenny exclaimed. “Let’s do this!”
Anna rested her hand on Harold’s thigh as she leaned over and planted a kiss on his cheek. “Yes, let’s,” she agreed.
Harold revved the engine and took off into the night.
Chapter 10
Anna sighed, content as Harold massaged her shoulders as they lounged in the massive clawfoot tub in his master bath. The bar had been packed, normal for a Wednesday night since it was open mic, but she was beat. Having Harold back in her life meant long nights filled with passion intermixed with the conversations they used to have together when they talked about anything and everything. She managed to get very little sleep with him around, but she was quite all right with that.
The water sloshed behind her as Harold moved, his fingers digging into the tender spot on her shoulders and at the crook of her neck. “Oh, right there,” she whispered.
He laughed, the deep sound vibrating up through her body. “Huh, I’m pretty sure you said that last night, too.”
“Probably,” she agreed with a grin.
His hands slipped from her shoulders, down her arms, and wrapped around her middle as he hugged her to his chest. He breathed her in and rested his chin on her shoulder. Right here and now was what Anna had wanted with Harold all along. She used to dream of moments like this, simply being held in his arms as they grew lost in each other’s touches. Then she left him, and all those hopes were turned into deep longings. Now that she had him back, she waited for the other shoe to drop that would make him disappear from her life again.
“I’ve been thinking,” he mumbled, “about your case.”
“Aw, can’t we leave the business talk for later?”
“Later I plan on doing very, very naughty things to you,” he promised, emphasizing his words by squeezing her nipples until she gasped with the sharp jolt of want coursing through her. “Business first.”
“Fine, fine, but if you keep playing with them like that, I’m not going to hear a damn word you say,” she warned as his fingers continued their onslaught, cupping her heavy breasts and kneading them. “Harry.”
“Right, business.” His hands stopped and she whined at the loss. “I think I have a way to prove Johnny faked the attack and set him up for what happened at your apartment and your bar.”
She froze as panic settled in. “My bar?” She whipped around. “What do you mean my bar?” She’d just left the bar and everything was intact, so what had happened since she came home to him?
“Your bar is fine,” he assured her. “What I meant was, I think we can use your bar and that contract to set him up like he did you, except he’ll go to jail for good. Him and that friend of his.”
“You figured out who he was?” Anna had spent the past week wracking her brain, trying to remember the UFC fighter’s name, but aside from asking Johnny outright, she couldn’t recall it.
“There’s not many fighters in New Hampshire. Josh Green.”
“I knew it was Josh,” she muttered. “You didn’t talk to him, did you?”
“No, you’d know if I did. I plan on paying him back for that decking he gave me the other day.”
“He’s a UFC fighter, Harry, and no offense, but just because you’re a big guy doesn’t mean you can take him,” she said, shaking her head. “Don’t start a fight with him, please? I don’t want to visit you in the hospital.”
He kissed the tip of her nose, and she glowered at him. “All right, I promise I won’t get in a fight with him…though I still think I can take him.”
“Plan. Can we get back to your plan, please?” She straddled his lap, his arousal greeting her instantly. She licked her lips as she rubbed her sex against his swelling cock. His eyes glimmered with lust as his hands found her hips beneath the water. “I’m waiting.”
“For the plan…or for this?” His shaft spread her lips wide and she groaned as he filled her in one easy buck of his hips. She was soaking wet from the moment he touched her nipples, and the massage had peaked every nerve in her body. “I want you…to do me a favor,” he said in between his deep, languid thrusts up into her sheath.
“Hmm. And what…exactly do you want me to do…except melt?” Her eyes rolled back as his fingers slipped across her wet skin to find her bud. He rubbed it in lazy circles, and her vision blurred as the pleasure built. “Harry.”
“I’m going to send that man into full-fledged panic mode,” he informed her, holding her hips steady with one hand so he could drive up even deeper. She gasped as he rubbed her g-spot just right and his thumb pressed even harder against her clit. “I’m going to make him wish he never tried to kick you out of your bar.”
Anna’s head fell back, her hair hitting the water. “And how…are you going to do that?”
“I’ll tell you in a minute. It’d be rude of me not to let you finish,” he growled right as his mouth closed around one hardened nipple.
His tongue lavished her as she rode him. Water splashed out of the tub to the tile floor, but Harold didn’t care and neither did Anna. The desire spiraled out of control in her body. All she felt was Harold, touching her, holding her, filling her every inch with himself and the love that came with it. When the orgasm neared, she shuddered, a moan slipping from her lips. Harold increased his pace, sucking hard on her nipple as he tugged and rolled her clit. Pleasure exploded within her core, and she cried out, the sound bouncing back to her off the tiled walls and floor. Harold clutched her body to his as his growl of satisfaction followed, mingling with hers until he tilted her head forward and swallowed the noise with a kiss that left her even more breathless than before. She collapsed against his chest, her limbs weak and chest heaving.
Carefully, he slipped free, and they both gasped at the loss of connection and the remnants of the orgasm left behind.
“So…how about that plan?” she asked, sitting up to kiss him.
“I’ll get the drinks and you get the snacks?” he suggested. “I’m starving.”
“Sex tends to do that to you,” she said, smiling, and kissed him again.
He growled and pulled away. “If you keep that up, we’ll never get out of this tub and you’ll never get the chance to experience my genius
.” His lips found hers again as he said it. “Damn, how did I ever think I could live without you?”
Her heart fluttered and she hugged him, never wanting to let go. “Good question. I’m glad you came to your senses,” she teased.
“You mean we both did.” The kiss deepened, leaving them both aching for more, but Anna giggled and climbed out of the tub, wrapping her body up in a white fluffy towel. “I never said you had to cover up. I was admiring that.”
“I’m sure you were, but we have a plan to devise, remember?”
With the towel wrapped around her body, she proceeded down to the kitchen, leaving a grumbling Harold behind to dry off and follow. She opened his pantry and found a stash of cookies in the back. She popped one in her mouth as he watched, his brow arching, and she grinned. He rolled his eyes and reached for a bottle of wine and two glasses. She was fine with wine tonight. Not that she would ever admit it outright, but he was convincing her that wine had its upsides. The warmth of a red was tantalizing, how it warmed her body and made her feel relaxed and ready to melt into his arms. Tequila led her to being naked as quickly as possible around Harold. Wine took its time.
Snacks and drinks in hand, they trudged back up to his bedroom and plopped on the bed. The towel threatened to come undone and she readjusted it. Harold’s eyes narrowed with hunger when he caught a glimpse of her breasts, but she shook her finger at him.
“Plan now, then later, we can do some of those naughty, naughty things,” she said with a wink.
He mumbled under his breath but handed her a glass of red wine. “As I said earlier, I’m going to make Johnny go into a state of severe panic, so much so that he will go running to you.”
Choking on another cookie, she slammed her fist into her chest, her eyes watering, and glared at him. “Why the hell would you do that?”